Flexbox is a layout mode providing for the arrangement of the elements displayed on the page such that they behave predictably when the page layout must suit different skills.
Examples of Flexbox designs:
Link 1: https://codepen.io/jeremyfrank/pen/pyexQJ
Link 2: https://codepen.io/_Billy_Brown/pen/ACamb
Link 3: https://codepen.io/iAmNathanJ/pen/pvprQZ
Link 4: https://codepen.io/paulomrcunha/pen/qlLaj
Link 5: https://codepen.io/jenie/pen/BLEZLd
The website I found information on flex box is called: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/
The advantages of flex box is that.
- It is supported across 95% of desktop and mobile browsers.
- Creating repeatable elements is easy and fast .
- and they finally ,made centering easier
- along with other ups.
The disadvantage to flex box is that almost every other layout option you could use is superior to it for example the grid method is better. the layout is better on the grid then flex box shown bellow
flex box
Sure the grid method isn't good in itself it has it's own faults but everything has, It still manages to be better.
Do you still think this after last Thursday?