Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Part one of the script.

The Story of Mythos.

Start at the begging of the map with the Intro and one gate that will lead to a small opening which would have ten different paths that would lead to a room of a god which you would have a task to complete and then move on to fix the next one. Each god will have a book but they will not be in the right place as they could be in different rooms which would cause a disruption within the gods and cause them to become very ill.

Each god will have a story you can either listen to and or skip but miss a huge amount of the story and then not be able to fix the problems within the game, if you do this you get the chance to re listen to what the story is but with a cost. The cost of this mistake would be to be chased around by a sort of shadow and you will have a time limit for how long it will take for it to find you. You can choose to make up for you miss play by having to start again but if you do this you will have to lose time within this but one of the books randomly moves somewhere and you’ll have to find it but if you do this you will have to do this book last as it is the only way to do this.

Another way the game can plan out is if you make it so that you can move around and read the books and then you come across a missing page, your task would be to find it within the world and return it but the pages will not have any obvious signs so you would have to take it along and see if it fits but the problem is as soon as the page doesn’t fit it goes back to where it was in the beginning and then you would have to go and look for the right one, also the doors would only open at one a time so that you cannot rush along you will have to put work into finding them with possible fighting off something in the shadows but this little bit would be something that would be if I have time to try and import it into the game.

At the beginning you shall hear a voice that speaks saying;
Thou who enter the world, shall be put to the test of the gods. The job ye seek will have to be taken with courage and confidence as ye must fix the life of the gods. Within ye time the gods have faded into the darkness of thou soul and therefore have to take the time to fix the wrong. Please follower of the gods save them from vanishing ye must hurry before time runs out, if thou does not make the time it will be over and never be able to be put back onto the right path and other followers will lose faith and turn to the wrong path. Good bye for now ye shall hear my voice at the end of ye time in this realm good luck…

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