In the class we had 3 hours to make a site that had the same layout as one of the tree sites we had the choice of copying. I decided to copy the third choice.
Dwayne Helped me with this project because I was behind and I couldn't remember a lot of the stuff I needed to do, so he helped look at what we where doing and think logically.
we thought logically and decided to split the website into sections. 5 sections so we can go a step at a time. the entire website is a div, one section is a div parent, and the small sections in the div parent are called children div's.
I total there is one div, 5 parent divs, and 15 children div's.
We then added a navigation at the top with 3 different nav classes with ul's and lists
My try at the website displayed above but with no pictures
Nice come back. Even though things look hard if we think about it bit by bit by breaking it down into smaller task we can eventually work out the issues. Also all the missing weeks task are on OneDrive with resources to help you with the responsive image bit. Dwayne.